So, What WAS Anakin Skywalker In Ahsoka Then?

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Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for Ahsoka episode 5




  • Ahsoka’s journey with Anakin in Ahsoka episode 5 suggests that his return is more than just as a traditional Force ghost.
  • Jacen Syndulla’s ability to sense Ahsoka’s physical body implies her experiences in the World Between Worlds are more than a hallucination.
  • Anakin’s flickering into Darth Vader and the flooding of the World Between Worlds hint that Ahsoka’s experiences are likely a vision through the Force, but still significant.

Ahsoka episode 5 massively explores the titular Jedi’s past in the Star Wars galaxy with the return of her master Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen). Played by Rosario Dawson, Ahsoka Tano was seemingly slain by Baylan Skoll in Ahsoka episode 4 only to find herself in the Force nexus known as the World Between Worlds, greeted by her old master. However, it seems the return of Anakin Skywalker involves more than the Chosen One coming back as a Force ghost.

In Ahsoka episode 5, Anakin reveals that he’s come to complete Ahsoka’s Jedi training with a new lesson. However, their journey together through Ahsoka’s past seemingly implies that Anakin has not come before his old Padawan as a traditional Force ghost seen in past Star Wars media. Here’s all the evidence why Anakin’s return and Ahsoka’s visit to the World Between Worlds likely had less to do with Anakin’s actual Force ghost in the Star Wars galaxy.

Ahsoka Appears To Have Been Transported To The World Between Worlds

Ahsoka and Anakin Skywalker in the World Between Worlds in Ahsoka episode 4

On the surface, it does seem as though Ahsoka has died in Ahsoka episode 5 and that her spirit has been transported to the World Between Worlds. However, it soon becomes apparent that there’s more to Ahsoka’s experiences with her master than meets the eye. Rather than being the actual World Between Worlds from Star Wars Rebels, this may be more a backdrop provided by the Force itself.

Jacen & Hera Heard The Battle – Does This Mean It Was Real?

Hera, Jacen, and Chopper and Ahsoka Episode 5

Interestingly, Jacen Syndulla and his mother can seemingly hear the lightsaber duel between Anakin and Ahsoka. Trusting her son’s senses and instincts, Hera continues the search for Ahsoka over the oceans of Seatos. This likely is due to Jacen’s abilities in the Force provided by his father Kanan Jarrus. Using his connection in the Force, Jacen is more than likely sensing Ahsoka’s physical body as well as what she’s experiencing on a mental level.

How Hayden Christensen Returned As Anakin Skywalker With De-aging CGI

Anakin during Clone Wars Ahsoka Episode 5

Not unlike his appearances in Obi-Wan Kenobi, Lucasfilm used minimal digital effects to de-age Hayden Christensen. This means Ahsoka was able to show a younger Anakin Skywalker before the events of Revenge of the Sith as he appeared in the animated Clone Wars series, brought to live-action for the first time in this new Star Wars show. Likewise, the differences in age and use of effects during the flashbacks compared to the World Between Worlds support the idea that this version of Anakin is more than a Force ghost.

Why Anakin Has A Red Lightsaber & Flickers Into Darth Vader

Anakin with Red Lightsaber in Ahsoka Episode 5 Image

It’s also important to note that this version of Anakin flickers into Darth Vader as Ahsoka’s lesson continues, eventually wielding a red lightsaber and featuring yellow eyes with the continuation of their duel. As such, these telling aspects of the dark side and references to Anakin’s corruption certainly imply that he’s not a Force ghost, instead encapsulating all that Ahsoka remembers him to have been across his complex legacy as the Chosen One.

The Flooding Of The World Between Worlds Implies This Might Be A Force Vision

Ahsoka in Flooding World Between Worlds Image

The eventual flooding of the World Between Worlds as Ahsoka transitions back to the physical world of Seatos is important as well. It’s another key clue that Tano was indeed experiencing something within her own mind, rather than being in the actual World Between Worlds itself.

Is This Real, A Vision, Or Something Else?

Anakin and Ahsoka Live-Action Clone Wars Image

Overall, Ahsoka likely experienced a key vision through the Force, not unlike Luke Skywalker’s vision in Empire Strikes Back when he entered the cave on Dagobah. However, just because it was happening in her mind doesn’t make Ahsoka’s experiences nor her reunion with Anakin Skywalker any less real. When the Force is involved, the level of significance remains the same.


Ahsoka releases new episodes Tuesdays at 6 pm PT / 9 pm ET on Disney+.

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